Hurricane María rendered visible both the extremely fragile economic situation of Puerto Rico and the importance of alternative spaces, locales de auto-gestión, and socially engaged cultural and artistic initiatives present on the island before and after the passage of the natural disaster in September 2017. In an effort to honor and re/connect with those grassroots and arts initiatives before and beyond Hurricane María, join us for a special screening of Before and Beyond Relief by documentarist Rhett Lee Garcia, followed by a panel discussion with Anna Astor from Cuadrado Gris, Rhett Lee García featured documentarist, Ed Morales, author, journalist, and member of the Unpayable Debt Project, Adrián ‘Viajero’ Román, visual artist, and Noemí Segarra of PISO Proyecto. Organized by anthropologist/ cultural producer, Libertad O. Guerra.
For full description of the program by the organizer, click here.
FREE ADMISSION. To RSVP, click here.