Las Galerías open Thurs. – Sun.
Las Galerías open Thurs. – Sun.
Las Galerías open Thurs. – Sun.
Las Galerías are Open | 11am – 5pm
Las Galerías are Open | 11am – 5pm
Las Galerías are Open | 11am – 5pm
Las Galerías are Open | 11am – 5pm
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Wednesday, July 27 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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Join the Museum of the City of New York and El Museo del Barrio for our third annual Uptown Bounce series of summer block parties! On four consecutive Wednesday evenings, dance to the music of New York DJs, enjoy gallery talks, tours, and art workshops, and savor summer drinks and local food.

¡Únete a la fiesta anual del Museo de la Ciudad de Nueva York y el Museo del Barrio en la tercera edición de fiestas en la calle este verano! Durante cuatro tardes consecutivas podrás disfrutar de la música dance de varios DJs de Nueva York, charlas en las galerías de los museos y talleres de arte. También podrás probar bebidas veraniegas y comida local.

El Museo del Barrio
Simply Antonio | Simplemente, Antonio

Wearable art fashion show with FIT & Parsons School of Design | Desfile de moda de arte para vestir con FIT y Parsons School of Design
DJ Riobamba spinning Digital Diaspora tunes | DJ Riobamba pinchará música de la diáspora digital
Design fashions on paper for a miniature figurine | Diseña en papel artículos de moda para una figurita

The Museum of the City of New York 
Boogie Down to the 70’s | Baila a ritmo de los hits de los 70

DJ Misbehaviour spins Disco, Electro, and Freestyle | DJ Misbehaviour pincha Disco, Electro y Freestyle
Roller-skating dancers, hula hoopers, and dance lessons | Bailarines en patines, hula hoops y clases de baile

To RSVP, click here.


Uptown Bounce is developed in collaboration with the Museum of the City of New York with support from our media partner Gothamist.
Note that by registering for the event, you will be signed up to receive emails from the Museum of the City of New York, El Museo del Barrio, and the event’s media sponsor, The Gothamist, with updates about museum news, exhibition openings, and public programs. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Image Courtesy to MCNY

Event details


Wednesday, July 27, 2016


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT


El Museo del Barrio

1230 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029 United States
El Museo del Barrio Logo (text only)

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