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Las Galerías open Thurs. – Sun.
Las Galerías open Thurs. – Sun.
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Las Galerías are Open | 11am – 5pm
Las Galerías are Open | 11am – 5pm
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Wednesday, July 19 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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El Museo kicks off Uptown Bounce, its summer block party series, with Ashé (or àse)! Learn more about the African philosophical concept through which the Yoruba people of Nigeria conceive the power to make things happen and produce change, and create Prints for Change: Activism-Inspired print making with artist Luanda Lozano. Special appearance by artist Miguel Luciano and his ‘Pimp my Piragua.’ DJ Bembona will spin some Latinx & Afro-Diasporadical sounds. Featuring food on sale by Mofon-GOEl Museo arranca Uptown Bounce, una serie de fiestas veraniegas, con Ashé (o àse). Aprenda más sobre este concepto filosófico africano, a través del cual el pueblo Yoruba de Nigeria concibe su poder a producir cambio. Inspirado por arte activista, crea tu propia impresion con la artista Luanda Lozano. Apariencia especial por el artista Miguel Luciano y su bra ‘Pimp my Piragua.’ Dj Bembona pinchara melodías afrodiaspóricas y latinas. Tendremos a la venta comida Mofon-Go.


Pre-registration for this program has closed but you can register at the Museum
when you arrive, see you tonight! 

Join El Museo del Barrio and the Museum of the City of New York for our FREE summer block party series.  In its fourth year, and held on four consecutive Wednesdays, visitors are invited to stop by and dance to music by local New York City DJs, explore our art exhibitions through gallery talks and tours, participate in art-making workshops, and more. Food and drinks are available for sale. Únete a El Museo del Barrio y el Museo de la Ciudad de Nueva York para nuestra serie de verano GRATIS de fiestas al aire libre. En su cuarto ano, y durante cuatro miércoles consecutivos, están invitados a bailar a la música de DJs de Nueva York, explorar nuestras exhibiciones de arte a través de charlas y tours, participar en talleres de arte, y mas. Comidas y bebidas estarán disponibles a la venta.  

Event details


Wednesday, July 19, 2017


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm EDT


El Museo del Barrio

1230 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029 United States
El Museo del Barrio Logo (text only)

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