Join El Museo del Barrio and Calpulli Mexican Dance Company for a relaxing and meditative stretching exercise sure to wake up your spirits! Featuring live music from Calpulli’s musical director, George Saenz. Open to all ages.
FREE ADMISSION | Live via Zoom, El Museo’s Facebook, and Calpulli’s Facebook | To RSVP, click here.
4:00 PM – 4:45 PM | Ponte Ready! with the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company
6:00PM- 7:00PM | Día de Muertos performance by the Calpulli Mexican Dance Company
For full Día de Muertos programming at El Museo del Barrio, please click here.
This program is a part of El Museo en Tu Casa, our new bilingual digital initiative encouraging visitors to explore and learn about Latino art and culture. Generously supported by Tony Bechara and the Board of Trustees, the Census 2020, and the NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund.