(11AM-12PM) Hosted by Victor Cruz, and his animated character TITA, join us for a fun-filled morning and to learn about Three Kings Day, the treasured cultural celebration observed in the Caribbean, Latin America, and the diaspora. The program will feature a special presentation by Teatro SEA, and a performance by Tito Matos y La Máquina Insular from Taller Comunidad La Goyco in Puerto Rico, and more. Be sure to bring your crowns and instruments to join the fun!
(6-7PM) Celebrate Three Kings Day with El Museo and comedian Suni Reyes! Due to public health concerns regarding the spread of the COVID variant Omicron in New York City, El Museo has decided to cancel its scheduled Three Kings Day in-person event, to be held on January 6th from 3-5pm in El Teatro. In its place, we will present a Virtual Celebration at 6pm, featuring our Honorary Kings, Madrinas and Padrinos, along with performances by Kinto Zonó, an 11-piece ensemble group dedicated to keeping the musical traditions of Puerto Rico alive; Legacy Women and Alma Moyo, New York’s leading ladies of Afro Boricua Bomba and Afro Dominican Palos; and more! FREE ADMISSION via El Museo’s YouTube Channel
To learn more about the 45th Annual (Virtual) Three Kings Day Parade, click here.